Kotae Expo competitions are looking for judges!

Competitions to be judged at the Kotae Expo 2024 event are cosplay competitions, CMV competition, and Kotae-Pop dance competitions. As a judge, you get to join the jury to evaluate the participants’ performances, and finally reward the best ones!

The judges of all competitions are expected to be impartial and able to evaluate the participants fairly. Judges need to commit to the competition schedule and they are expected to familiarize themselves with the competition rules in advance and to judge according to the given quidelines.

When applying to be a judge for Cosplay and Kotae-Pop contests, please also remember to mention in your application which categories you would like to judge, or if you are only available for one category. We also recommend you to share your possible previous judging, competition or hobby experience in the subject – how has cosplay/k-pop/cmv been part of your own life, and why would you be a good choice for the jury.


Judge application forms to Kotae Espo 2024 have been closed. 
Thank you to all appilicants.

We’ll be in touch to everyone who have left an application during the given timeframe. If you haven’t heard from us untill 29.2., please contact us kotaery [a] gmail.com 


Kotae-Pop judges

Kotae-Pop competitions feature three different competition series.

The competitions include the K-pop Solo individual competition, the K-pop Group group competition, and the Jokeri series, where the background music is something other than K-pop! In the Jokeri series, several dance styles may also be seen. The goal of each series is to create a cover of the selected original work as accurate as possible in terms of choreography and atmosphere.

Apply to Kotae-Pop jury here!

Please familiarize yourself with the competition rules (in Finnish) before applying. In your application, please remember to fill in carefully which series you would be interested in judging. You can also tell us if you are planning to participate in one of the competition series yourself.


Cosplay competition judges

Kotae Expo’s cosplay competitions feature up to five different competition series.

The competitions included are:

      • Cosplay performance competition, where participants can compete solo or with a group
      • Solo competitions
        • Experienced 
        • Enthusiasts 
        • Beginners 
      • Theme – Demihuman

Apply to cosplay jury here!

Before applying, please familiarize yourself with the different series of the competition. In your application, please remember to fill in carefully which series or series you would be interested in judging. You can also tell us if you are planning to participate in one of the competition series yourself.



There is only one series to be judged in Kotae Expo’s CMV competitions.

Apply to CMV jury here!

Please familiarize yourself with the competition rules before applying. Please remember to fill out your application carefully. You can also tell us if you are applying or planning to apply to judge other competitions in Kotae.



Hard to choose? You can apply to judge more than one type of competition! The competitions will not take place at the same time, so if you want, you can for example be a judge in both Kotae-Pop and cosplay competitions!


The selected judges are entitled to the same benefits as the event volunteers. These benefits include: