We want to make our event enjoyable for everyone by taking into accoun different limitations and special needs!  You can contact us by e-mail regarding questions related to accessibility. Email maron@kotae.fi



  • Our venue is accessible
  • Personal assistant can enter the event free of charge, if the assisted person has a EU’s disability card (A). The assistant must arrive together with the person needing assistance.
  • Arrival
    • Accssible parking spaces (10 pcs) can be found near the main entrance. Accessible arking spaces
    • Buses to the venue stop near the main doors. More about busses
    • The rightmost door of the main entrance opens electrically with a button. 
  • Ticket exchange
    • If needed, a security guard can guide you in front of the line at the ticket exchange
  • The premises on the second floor can be accessed using the elevator. 
    • Sirius can be accessed by the elevator in the E hall
    • Seminaarikeskus can be accessed by the elevator in the main lobby, in front of the Arlanda restaurant
    • Meeting rooms can be accessed by the elevator in the middle of the main lobby
  • You can ask for a wheelchair for the duration of your visit to the event at Info in the main lobby.


Accessibility badge

  • You can get an accessibility badge from the info desk
  • With the badge you can use the accesible seats without a ticket in the programs that require them
  • The badge allows you to use the VIP express lane in the flea market
  • To make shopping in the event easy for everyone, those with the accessibility badge  can entry the art alley, fleamarket and sales table with the VIP customers – one hour before others


Intimate spaces 


    • The toilets at the venue are mainly unisex toilets during the event. 
    • Outside the toilets, you will find information about the number of toilet cubicles in that WC space, as well as the existence of possible urinals or childcare stations. 
    • The locations of accessible toilets can be seen in the map at the bottom of the page
    • Please let a holder of a toilet pass cut in line to the bathroom! Information about the toilet pass


    • Showers can be found at the venue, especially for the needs of those staying at the floor accommodation throughout the event. The shower facilities can be found near the lobby and will be marked in the venue map  

Changing rooms 

    • The locations of the gendered and unisex changing rooms will be announced closer to the event! 


Quiet space 

  • You can find the quiet space in the seminar center, on the second floor of the venue. 
    • The quiet space is suitable, for example, for calming down or praying. 
    • Please have your conversations in other spaces! 
  • Employees of Tampere Youth services are in the quiet space at all times to listen to your worries



  • Some seats have been separately reserved for visually impaired or hearing impared guests and their assistant (one assistant/person). You can use the accessible seats without a ticket if you have the accessibility badge.
  • There is no induction loop available in the venue. 
  • Wheelchair spaces are available in all programs 



  • With the exception of assistance dogs, it is forbidden to bring animals to the event premises. 
  • Hairspray and other strongly odoured products may only be used in the changing rooms. 
  • Please don’t use strong parfumes in the event!

Harassment contact persons

  • If you experience or witness harassment, bullying or other inappropriate treatment during the event, you can contact our harassment contact persons. The harassment contact person listens, comforts, supports, helps to clarify the situation and takes the matter forward if necessary.
  • Harassment contact persons are on duty throughout the event, including during evening parties and at night. So you can reach out to them at anytime.
  • Contacts to harassment contact persons are completely confidential. The matters brought to them will not be taken forward without the harassed person’s request.
  • You can reach the harassment contact persons by phone or text message
  • You can also contact them via Harassment report -form. With the form it’s possible to reach the harassment contact persons also before and after the event. To the form

Accessibility map

The accessibility map of the venue